Older Additions:
· 6-24-2001
-Red Baron
"Evolution, romance and best friends, (or human attraction
· Mp3
Playlist -Red Baron
"I think we all know the reason for this link. =D."
· A
Man Don't Know What He Can Do... -Readers Digest
"A story of one mans courage and daring to help another in need.
Sometimes those who have been there before are even better equipped to help
someone in a similar situation."
· Chicken
Run By Red Baron
I review the movie Chicken Run (Dreamworks Pictures)...
· Rants
for Metallica by Red Baron
"Why won't Ulrich & crew see the light? Here's where I rant about
their idiocy..."
· U2
- All That You Can't Leave Behind by Lars
Lars "Captain Skanka Skanka Falcon" (he made me put that) reviews
U2's newest album.
Ever wanted to be a writer? Thought about publishing
short stories, or something of the like? if this type of thing appeals to you,
e-mail me with your story & perhaps I'd be able to put it up!
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content, ideas and all that wonderful stuff. Volunteer to do all sorts of
things. Name it and I'm probably interested. Have your name in lights!
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